We Provide
At Nationwide, we take care of all the details. What we require from you is your pets, their regular food, and a valid Health Certificate for Interstate Travel/Rabies. That's it! We provide a clean roomy USDA approved crate, bottled water, bedding (if requested), bowls, litter boxes, and leashes.

Mt. Shasta


Chicago IL

Mt. Shasta
We pick-up your pet/s at your home or kennel and deliver to the address you specify. For dogs, we take them out for potty breaks 4 times a day*. Cats have access to clean litter boxes inside their crate. We normally feed twice a day unless your pet has special needs. Medications can be administered if needed, and we have on-board refrigeration. Bottled water is available to pets day and night. We call 24 hours ahead to give you a pick-up/drop-off window so you are not sitting at home wondering when we will arrive. You may call or text daily for updates on your pet/s.
(* puppy regulations vary)